The Coastal Landscape


The Coastal Landscape

The landscape of the Sefton Coast has a distinct local and national character. Local communities are aware of the special cultural and natural history of the area and understand how coastal processes have created the landform and how the landscape has evolved by the interaction of people with nature. The landscape will continue to evolve through coastal and climate change and through the activities of the current and future generations.

England is divided up into over 150 Joint Character Areas, a way to identify, map and describe landscape units rather than working to administrative boundaries. The current system is overseen by Natural England and specific information including a four-page summary document, can be found for Joint Character Area 57: Sefton Coast on the website

Click the link for a detailed assessment for JCA57: Sefton Coast

At the local level Sefton Council has prepared a Landscape Character Assessment of Sefton. This describes the local landscape using a nationally-recognised methodology and produces a map of landscape types. The assessment is published as Supplementary Planning Guidance
to Sefton's Unitary Development Plan. The guidance has a development control function but also a pro-active function in promoting the conservation and management of landscapes through initiatives such as the Mersey Forest, Mersey Waterfront and the Sefton Coast Partnership.

The writing of the Nature Conservation Strategy for the Sefton Coast led to a focus on landscape-scale management and in turn this has led to the development of a Landscape Strategy for the coastal area.

In 2007 the Sefton Coast Partnership was awarded a planning grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund for the preparation of an application to their Landscape Partnership Scheme fund. This has given the Sefton Coast Partnership an opportunity to develop a package of projects for the coast, to celebrate natural and cultural heritage and to encourage as many people as possible, from all backgrounds, to get involved in activities.

The following pages explain the process in the development of the application and provide links to some of the supporting information.
